Pajaritas salad

with tomato confit, parmesan cheese and basil



100 g of Gallo pajaritas for salads

120 g of cherry tomatoes

2 pear tomatoes

30 g of Parmesan cheese

250 ml of extra virgin olive oil

5 g of dried oregano

5 g of dried basil

1 lime

Fresh basil

Thyme, rosemary, lavender and sage to taste

Apple vinegar to taste

Salt and pepper


Step 1

Cook the pasta in abundant boiling water with a pinch of salt. In a pot, add oil, the whole cherry tomatoes, thyme, rosemary, lavender and sage. Confit the cherry tomatoes for about 20 minutes at 65ºC. Remove the oil and let cool.

Step 2

In a jar, mix the oil from the confit with vinegar, the juice of 1/2 a lime, pepper and salt to make the vinaigrette. Shake the jar. Preheat oven to 180ºC.

Step 3

Cut the tomatoes in half and season with oil, dry oregano, dry basil, pepper and salt. Bake for 15 min.

Step 4

Remove from the oven and let cool. Pour the vinaigrette over the pasta, add the basil leaves and mix well. Cut the parmesan cheese.

Step 5

Pull the leaves from the fresh basil. Season to taste.

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