Multi-cereal ‘Nature’ plumas with pesto rosso

and roasted vegetables



Pesto Rosso Gallo

500 g GALLO Multi-grain ‘Nature’ plumas

Olive oil

Salt and pepper

1 medium courgette, sliced

1 yellow pepper

100 g of mushrooms

1 garlic clove


Step 1

Slice the vegetables in similar sizes and place them on an oven-safe tray, add a little olive oil and roast at 200ºC for 20 minutes.

Step 2

Meanwhile, cook the pasta in abundant boiling water with a pinch of salt. Strain and set the pasta aside together with a little cooking water.

Step 3

Mix the roasted vegetables with the pasta in a bowl and add the pesto rosso. If necessary, add a little cooking water to thin the sauce.

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